February 16, 2006

"Overnights of Hospitality" in 2nd season

Five congregations in "America's HomeTown" in November 2005 launched the second year of the cold-weather shelter program called "Overnights of Hospitality." In the year since it was organized, the program has sheltered from five to 15 men per night representing approximately 35 different individuals over the winter (Oct. 2004 to April 2005). More than 140 volunteers, many from congregations without adequate space to house the Overnights, helped: cooking hot meals, spending the night as chaperones, doing laundry and sundry other chores.
Congregations doing the sheltering are Christ Episcopal Parish, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, First Parish UUA, Beth Jacob Synagogue and Church of Christ, Scientist. Church of the Pilgrimage UCC have provided faithful volunteers already and are stepping into the shelter provision area. Other congregations with active volunteers include St. Mary's Catholic Church, the First Baptist Church and the New Testament Church.